
A new home platform
Full-time project
UI/UX designer
main tools
Project overview

A new home platform

YepHome offers one-stop, highly integrated solution with user friendly interfaces and affordable packages for Developers, Agents and Customers, whom make up the majority of the stakeholders in the property market.

User Pain Points

Users have numerous pain points in the board off-the-plan market which YepHome seeks to solve.
- Lack of Transparency
- Unfamiliar with Local Policies, Guidelines & Rules
- Lack of Customer Resources
- Real-time Visibility of Transaction and Property Data

Ease Purchase Process

Smart search / Agent finder / VR Tours / Property Report
Final design

01 Property detail page

I designed the property detail page and designed 40+ icons for the property facility selections recorded in the database.
Final design

02 Reserve a property

Final design

03 Icongraphy

I designed 50+ icons including both system icons and facility icons in this project. Each icon is designed on a 24*24 grid with an emphasis on simplicity, consistency and readability.
Final design

04 Illustrations

I designed several illustrations for an instruction page for new overseas home buyers based on the main steps of buying properties in Australia.
Final design

05 Marketing campaign design

I designed a landing page for YepHome’s marketing campaign which provides extra benefits for Real Estate projects across Melbourne.
Final design

06 Micro interaction design

I designed an interactive map based on a design brief from the marketing team. They want to have a map of Melbourne showing the projects on promotion. I took the brief and turned it into an idea for an interactive map.

It was hard to find maps only showing selected areas of Melbourne. So I started to draw the shapes using the Pen tool and send the SVG code to the front-end developer to realize the hover interactions by recognising particular paths.